How to create your Recurring Weekly Schedule:
I. Edit the sheet table:
1. Edit the sheet table to your hearts content… Add rows inside the table only. Cannot add new columns.
2. Edit Legend as needed
3. Save and you are done!
4. Modify and update your table on an as needed basis. Dates and Days of the week automatically change depending on the current date today.
II. Questions and Concerns?
1. Contact me if you have any issues. My e-mail is
2. Accidentally broke the sheet? You can redownload the template file from the shop as you have unlimited downloads once you purchase this template.
II. Possible Uses Cases
This spreadsheet can be used as:
1. Class Schedule
2. Work Shift Schedule
3. Personal Weekly Recurring Schedule
4. Weekly NotePad Reminders
5. Weekly Appointment Settings
6. And So much more!
Or You Can Use This Spreadsheet As A Learning Template To Create Your Own Automated Weekly Schedule!
You can freely view the code and components I used to create these timesheets as the important details are unprotected. Feel free to edit and use as much as you like. If you have questions or concerns though, please feel free to reach out to me for consultation and you will be charged my regular hourly rate.
Also note that this sheet can be easily converted to a Google Spreadsheet so it can be shared and used by multiple people.
*Disclaimer: If you remove the protections on the sheet, edit its code (not it’s content), and do break the sheet… and do not understand what you are doing, you are personally liable for the results. I only provide the templates and code for educational and office-use purposes only.
For more information about me, click here.
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